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Pescuit Sporiv – Clear Fishing este oaplicatie adresata pescarilor incepatori sau celor maiexperimentati care vor sa prinda noi specii. Afla cum poti capturacele mai importante 30 de specii de pesti de apa dulce:-in ce locuri le gasesti-cu ce tehnici le prinzi,-monturile, nadele si momelile eficace-nodurile si echipamentele necesare-sfaturi si secrete pretioase. Iata mai pe larg ce contine aplicatia in cele 9 capitole:Pesti33 de specii de pesti de apa dulce prezentate fiecare cucaracteristicile, arealul, locurile unde pot fi capturate,tehnicile recomandate, momelile si nalucile prinzatoare,echipamentele necesare etc.

Nade si momeliCele mai importante nade si momeli folosite in pescuitul de apadulce. MonturiAlege rapid montura potrivita din cele 20 prezentate folosindcodul nostru de culori. Monturile acopera principalele tehnici depescuit: pe rauri sau balti, la undita, cu lanseta pe fund sau lapluta, la rapitori cu naluci sau momeli naturale, la feeder, lacrap.

Explicam clar, pas cu pas, cu imagini, cum se realizeaza fiecaremontura. In plus, fiecare articol arata unde si cand se folosestemontura, cu ce momeli, avanatejele si dezavanatejele ei. La final,o serie de sfaturi si secrete. NoduriPescari cu experienta si rezultate in competiti au ales, dinzecile de noduri folosite in pescuitul sportiv, 7 care acoperamajoritatea situatiilor.

Prezentam pas cu pas, cu desene clare,modul de realizare al fiecaruia. Tehnici de pescuitIti aratam 8 tehnici esentiale in pescuitul sportiv: masurareaadancimii, lestarea corecta a plutei, metoda de pescuit la pluta pelat, metoda de pescuit la pluta pe cadere, metoda de pescuit lataras, nadirea cu prastia, lansarea peste cap. Imaginile insotitede explicatii te vor ajuta sa le inveti pe fiecare.

Lansarea peste cap, cea mai folosita tehnica de aruncare culanseta, este explicata cu animatii video originale cu segmente inslow motion , desene, fotografii si texte. Vei putea invata cum saexecuti aceasta tehnica esentiala, atat cu echipamentul despinning, cat si cu cel de baitcasting. TrusaTrusa unui pescar este mult mai complicata si incapatoare decatposeta oricarei femei. Iti propunem chiar si osolutie de organizare, cu ajutorul unei truse fotografiate in carefiecare element este clickabil si te duce intr-un articol.

EchipamentEchipamentul folosit in pescuit a ajuns sa fie foartesofisticat. Iti propunem solutii clare pentru:-primul echipament-echipamente dedicate pescuitului pe rau sau pe balta, la pluta saupe fundul apei-echipament de crap, feeder sau rapitori-echipament de spinning sau baitcastingApeArticole cu ilustratii despre cele mai bune locuri de pescuit incele doua tipuri de ape statoare si curgatoare.

Sfaturi si secreteInformatii importante pentru succesul unei partide de pescuit siprogresul carierei tale de pescar. Daca vrei informatii mai ample despre tehnici de pescuit, monturi,momeli, nade, fire, noduri, sfaturi si secrete, descopera sicelelalte aplicatii lansate international sub marca Clear Fishing.

Am conceput si structurat informatiile cu grija, pentru ca tu sa aimai mult succes in viitoarele partide de pescuit. Clear Fishing este marca internationala a Picnic Media. Picnic Media este operatorul revistei de pescuit nr.

Spore Fishing – FishingClear is an application addressed to beginners or the moreexperienced anglers who want to catch new species. Learn how tocapture the most important 30 species of freshwater fish:-in which places you find-with what techniques you catch,-monturile, effective baits and lures-nodurile and equipment needed-Tips and precious secret.

Here’s more detail in the application that contains 9chapters:Fish33 freshwater fish species presented each with characteristics,habitat, places where they can be captured recommended techniques,baits and lures prinzatoare, necessary equipment etc. Baits and luresThe most important fishing baits and lures used infreshwater. MountsQuickly choose the right mount of the 20 submitted using ourcode of colors. Mount covering the main fishing techniques: therivers and ponds, the rod, bottom longline or raft, the kidnapperslure or natural bait, the feeder, the carp.

Clearly explained, step by step, with pictures, as is done eachmount. In addition, each article shows where and when using themount, what baits and dezavanatejele avanatejele them. Finally, anumber of tips and secrets. NodesFishermen experienced and results in competitiveness chose fromdozens of nodes used in angling 7 that covers most situations.

Step-by-step, with clear drawings, the embodiment of everyone. Fishing Techniques8 shows you the essential techniques in sport fishing: Depth,correct ballasting cork, cork fishing method on wide raft fishingmethod falling, crawling fishing method, nadir slingshot launch thehead. Images accompanied by explanations will help you learneach. Launch upside, the most common technique throwing rod is explainedwith original video animations with segments in slow motion ,drawings, photographs and texts.

You will learn how to execute thistechnique essential, both with spinning equipment, and with thebaitcasting. KitA fisherman kit is more complicated and spacious than anywoman’s purse. We propose a solution even organizationalphotographed using a kit in which each element is clickable andtakes you into an article.

EquipmentThe equipment used in fishing has become very sophisticated. We are proposingclear solutions for:-first equipment-equipment dedicated to fishing on the river or pond, the cork oron the bottom-Equipment carp feeder or predatory-Equipment spinning or baitcastingApeArticles with illustrations about the best fishing spots in thetwo types of water static and flowing.

Tips and SecretsImportant for a successful fishing trips and progress yourcareer fisherman. If you extensive information about fishing techniques, rigs, lures,baits, wires, nodes, tips and secrets, discover and otherapplications launched by Clear Fishing. We designed and structuredinformation carefully, for you to have more success in futurefishing trips.

Clear Fishing is worldwide brand of Picnic Media. Picnic Media is fishing magazine No. The first Romanian application and, at the same time, the mostmeaningful in the world dedicated exclusively to fishing for carp. This application covers all the important aspects of carp fishing:the production and use of gear units, the choice of lead sinkersand hooks, bait, bait, rods, reels, fishing line or main lead,buckles and rings, coasters and signaling, maintenance kit, tentsand beds carp mats, equipment bait fishing technique, tips andsecrets, etc.

The world’s only application that contains all the basicinformation about the practice of catching carp. With the arsenalof the application, and any new entrant will be able toself-assemble the right set, tie hooks and make tackles, he will beable to choose the bait and bait. More experienced anglers will beable to expand their arsenal of knowledge to try more effectivemethods. This application is made by experts on fishing forcarp.

Attachments:A huge number of rigs for carp fishing offered by specializedmagazines, our experts have been reduced to 10 major species thatare suitable for almost all fishing situations: simple the hairaccessories, snap „snowman” with kominirovannoy fishing line,combined rigging, rigging blow-back, snap with a ring for maggots,rigging D, tooling , rigging Zig, equipment and accessories ChodKD.

Nodes:9 basic types of knots used in fishing for carp: a node without ahost, the improved clinch knot, Albright knot, etc. Lures and bait:All major types of baits and lures and baits from peletsov tocereal baits and waders, their application and the mainproducers. Hooks:Description of the main types of hooks for carp: curve shank, longshank, wide gape, choddy and curve long shank, and theircharacteristics, methods of application and the main producers.

Fishing Lines:Materials for leashes, cords with a shell, soft braided cord,monofilament fishing line fluorokarbon, lidkor, shock-leader, adescription of the advantages and disadvantages of each, andexplains how to use them, the main producers and prices. Weights:Sinkers Grippa, with swivel sinkers, sinkers in-line moving ,etc. Rod:Types of fishing rods for carp fishing, system, capacity andlength, use, major producers and the prices are presented in thissection.

Coil:The main components of the reel for carp fishing, detailed images,a whole section is devoted to describing the characteristics of thecoil, prices and manufacturers.

Additional accessories:From fasteners, rings, clips, needles and tips stoppers, solublematerials PVA and lead paste, to boxes and scissors, present toyour review all the accessories used for the manufacture andstorage of equipment.

Tents, sleeping bags and bed:What we need to know when to buy them, who are the main producersand what is the difference in price. Technique of fishing and feeding methods:A very useful section for those prepared to fishing and siteselection on the pond. Tips and Tricks:It took all our persistence and even threats : to extract fromour experts the most useful tips for simple fishermen. Follow themand you will succeed!

The application is a product of Romanian origin, available onthe world market under the brand name Clear Fishing in German,French and English. Carp Fishing 5. Carp Fishing is the most comprehensive carpfishing guide currently available in the major app stores. This app covers all important aspects of carp fishing: rigconstruction and applicability, knots, hook patterns, lead systems,baits and hookbaits, rods and reels, fishing lines, accessories,rod pods and bite alarms, bivvies tents and beds, mats and sacks,baiting and fishing techniques, tips and tricks etc.

Carp Fishing aims to present all essential information in orderto successfully capture capital carp. Guided by this app, anabsolute beginner will be able to build up a tackle box, select andtie reliable hooks, construct rigs, choose an inspired bait andhookbait and target the capital carp. Intermediate anglers will gain new insights allowing them toapproach field situations more efficiently. Carp Fishing wasdeveloped by European carping experts, journalists andprogrammers.

Clear instructions andphotos show you how to correctly construct each rig and tell youhow to use it. Following updates will add derivative or highlyspecialized rigs. Lead Systems:This section teaches you how to select and construct theappropriate lead system, be it The Lead Clip System a. There are many leadsystems advocated on the market, but most of them are variations tothe ones named above.

Updates will present these variations aswell. Baits and Hookbaits:All major types of baits and hookbaits, from pellets and boilies toparticles seeds and bloodworms are presented with the details ofapplicability and the main brands.

Rods:Types of rods used in carp fishing, their main characteristics action, power and length explained, and advice on brands, pricerange and which type of rod should you choose.

Reels:Reel components hot spots with photo close-ups , characteristics,brands and price range. Bivvies, Beds and Sleeping Bags:How to choose your camping equipment, what brands are on the marketand which is the price range. Baiting and Fishing Techniques:This is a section useful for preparing a carp session or lookingfor new ideas while fishing. Tips and TricksA high degree of persuasion was employed to extract these advicesfrom our specialists. Carp Fishing by Clear Fishing was developed in Europe.

Tabla Solunar 1. Solunar Table description Find the best periods for when yougo fishing, based on the Solunar theory. Free, and showing a simple and easyto use interface, Clear Fishing Solunar will help you:- Discover the best out of periods of feeding fish in amonth. All specified clearly and intuitively. Whether you’re fishing for carp or predator, or if you are flyfishing or fishing in fresh water, maximizing your chances ofgetting a bite with Clear Fishing Solunar.

Organize wisely fishingtrips! Clear Fishing is a European specialistin mobile applications developer dedicated to freshwater sportfishing. Our team consists of fishermen, scholars, journalistsfreshwater fishing, graphic artists, animators, photographers,editors, and developers over 6 countries. For over ten years, wehave been passionately dedicated to providing freshwater fishingmagazines and guides, organize events, competitions, fairs,exhibitions, and create websites and mobile applications.

To find out more about fishingtechniques, equipment, baits, lures, lines, knots, as well as tipsand professional advice, then be sure to discover the otherapplications available internationally and part of the brand ClearFishing. We have designed and carefully structured the informationwe present for you to have a great success the next time you gofishing.

Similar Apps Show More Predator Hunter Extreme 1. The Ultimate Predator Huntingapplication. Predator Hunter Extreme gives you all the informationand toolsneeded to track and harvest your coyotes. Our application is divided into 3 main sections:Electronic Game Calls:- 18 of the best field proven calls in 3 main sections coyote,rabbit, misc – Looping functionality.

Ballistic Weather Information:-Full weather conditions and forecast from location. This will auto install ifyoudo not already have it. Slowlyincreasethe volume afterwards. Fishing – Clear Fishing -application for beginners and more experienced anglers who want tocatch a new species of fish.

Learn how you can catch the 30 majorspecies of freshwater fish:-The places where you need to lookWhat-catching techniques-Efficient equipment, bait and lures-Necessary gear and knots-Valuable tips and secret. Blurb Mobile App:Fishes30 freshwater fish species with characteristics habitat, placeswhere you can fish, recommended techniques, baits and lurescatchability, tackle, etc.

Bait and luresTop bait and bait used in freshwater fishing. SnapSelect a suitable fast snap of 20 submitted using our colorcode.

He was the younger brother of Eric David Webber. He is also survived by his immediate family as well as several aunts, uncles and cousins. Adam attended the Fayetteville-Manlius schools, graduating in In his youth he excelled at hockey and baseball, and was also an avid swimmer.

He continued to enjoy sports and was an enthusiastic Bruins, Bills, and Red Sox fan. He zealously followed his favorite band, Modest Mouse, and felt fortunate to meet the band members in person after one of their concerts.

He loved animals, especially dogs, and owned several over the course of his life. Adam had a keen sense of humor and was a spiritual and caring soul.

He was adored by his family, who tried valiantly to support him as he struggled with the epidemic that has been so destructive for those of his age bracket. Please remember Adam without judgment, and know that all who struggle with addiction are human beings who are fighting a disease. If you have a loved one in your family who is struggling, please know that there is always hope.



IMGWA | Consulat d’Algérie à Créteil – Detalii Lanseta feeder ET Carp Hunter Plus 3.60m


JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Stoc Furnizor. Fiecare pescar care a descoperit frumusetea pescuitului la feeder cunoaste importanta utilizarii echipamentului potrivit in functie de specificul locului de pescuit si distanta la care doreste sa lanseze.

Puteti alege lanseta dorita pentru pescuitul la feeder tinand cont de specificatiile blankului, materialul din care este realizat sau de elementele cu care este echipat. Blank-urile din carbon realizate cu ajutorul celor mai noi tehnologii ce au aplicatii in domeniul productiei echipamentului de pescuitul la feeder sunt completate de un design modern si elemente inele, mandrina ce imbunatatesc performantele in timpul partidelor si maresc confortul fiecarui pescar. Lansetele pentru pescuitul la feeder sunt completate de varfuri interschimbabile diferite prin culoare si putere pentru a fi adaptate numeroaselor situatii intalnite in timpul partidei de pescuit.

Acestea, din carbon sau fibra de sticla sunt disponibile si separat pentru anumite modele, putand fi alese in functie de compatibilitatea cu lanseta utilizata. Finisajul manerului, tipul inelelelor sau numarul de tronsoane 2 tronsoane, 3 tronsoane, lansete telescopice sunt alte cateva elemente ce conteaza in decizia de achizitionare a unei lansete pentru pescuitul la feeder. Lungimea lansetei si puterea de aruncare pot fi alese de fiecare pescar in functie de preferinte si locurile alese pentru viitoarele sesiuni de pescuit.

Orice model de lanseta de feeder, pentru partide de pescuit alaturi de prieteni sau pentru competitii, poate fi gasit in magazinul de pescuit online la preturi si oferte pentru orice fel de buget, de la lansete telescopice pentru feeder ieftine, pana la cele mai scumpe, realizate cu ajutorul celor mai noi tehnologii si materiale ce le confera rezistenta si performanta si le asigura utilizarea indelungata in cele mai bune conditii.

Toate drepturile rezervate. Cititi termeni si conditii , fisiere cookie , politica de confidentialitate si protectia datelor si ANPC.

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Lungime lansete. Putere maxima lansete. Produse Noi. Da produse. Da 53 produse. In Stoc produse. Comenzi telefonice 44 44 consultanta de la pescari specializati. Plata online sigur si rapid ai pana la 6 rate fara dobanda cu card bancar.