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Uninstall vmware workstation 14 ubuntu free download

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› watch. Uninstalling VMware Tools · Click Start > Control Panel. · Open Add/Remove Programs. · From the list of installed software, select VMware Tools. This tutorial will show you how to install VMware Workstation 16 Pro on RHEL/CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint.


Uninstall vmware workstation 14 ubuntu free download

Got something to say? Once you download the file, you can simply run the below command with root privileges to install VMware software. For example, in our case it was w Sign up using Facebook. Saved my bacon!! Email Required, but never shown. Improve this answer.


How to Install VMware Workstation Pro on Debian 11 / 10.


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Tutorial Feedback Was this article helpful? If you don’t find this article helpful or found some outdated info, issue or a typo, do post your valuable feedback or suggestions in the comments to help improve this article Once the installation gets completed, go to your Application launcher and run the Vmware Workstation player and you will see the window asking you to accept the Vmware License. Finally, you have the interface of the Vmware Player.

Now you can start creating virtual machines of whatever guest operating systems. This is an absolutely wonderful solution with one addition. I have a Lenovo Thinkpad Gen. On that machine, at least, Workstation will not run if secure boot is enabled. After following the steps here, I tried to start Workstation and received error messages about the monitor and internet. I disabled secure boot, after which Workstation started properly.

Then, to see whether a single start after an unsecured boot would fix the secure-boot problem, I reenabled secure boot and tried Workstation again. No joy. Upon disabling secure boot again, everything is fine.

A caveat: This problem may be unique to Lenovo or even just to Lenovo Thinkpads. This worked! Next, VMware collects asks you to share some of your user data for improving the user experience. You can select to opt-out of it if you want. You might also be asked for a license key—do not panic—you do not need one if you want to use the free VMware player for non-commercial purposes.

For business use, get the pro edition where you will get a license key. If you would like to be able to copy-paste between the real OS host and the virtual OS guest and share files between them, you should also install VMware Tools on Linux.

If your workflow requires more than what VMWare player offers, or you just want to remove it from your system, here are quick steps to uninstall VMWare from Ubuntu:. This was a quick guide on how you can install VMWare in Ubuntu-based distros.

I hope this solves your problem and if not, let me know in the comments and I will try my best to come up with a solution. Do you prefer using VMware Workstation Player? Share your thoughts in the comments down below. Also a movie buff with a soft corner for film noir. Can I play games on Linux?

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Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. How to uninstall VMware Player? Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. Modified 3 months ago. Viewed k times. I want to uninstall VMware Player on my Ubuntu How should I uninstall it?