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Provides access to product training, sales and marketing resources, deal registration, and more to our VARs, Integrators, Resellers and other channel partners. Provides Suppliers with self-service tools targeted to the needs of their business. Register, access, and manage Lyve Mobile services, subscriptions and projects. View registered products, register new products, and find product specific support. Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linked in. If you need a backup utility for your Maxtor drive, please download Seagate Manager here.
You can select either of two Backup Plans:. You can restore a maxtor manager windows 10 download free historical version of a backed up file based on the date it was maxtor manager windows 10 download free modified or you can restore the most recent version of a backed up file.
The following provides you with the procedure for restoring a historical file version to its original location. Restoring a Historical File version to a temporary location is a good по ссылке if you want to restore a file without potentially overwriting the original file located on your local system.
The maxtor manager windows 10 download free provides you with the procedure for restoring a historical file version to a temporary location. The following provides you with the procedure for restoring the most recent version of backed up files. Seagate Partner Program Portal Provides access to product training, sales and marketing resources, deal registration, and more to our VARs, Integrators, Resellers and other channel partners.
Seagate Supplier Portal Provides Suppliers with self-service tools targeted to the needs of their business. Lyve Management Portal Register, access, and manage Lyve Mobile services, subscriptions and projects. Consumer Portal View registered products, register new products, and find product specific support. My Dashboard View your dashboard.
Log out Logout of your account. Click Backup. The Backup window opens. Click Simple Backup. The Simple Backup Confirmation window opens. You return the Backup window. Your Simple Backup is created. To start an immediate backup, click on the Back Up Now button. Click Custom Backup. The Folder Selection window for the Backup Plan opens. The Select File Types window opens. The Schedule window opens.
Change the Time you want to run the Scheduled Plan. Click on the Finish button. Your Custom Backup Plan has been Created. Click Edit Maxtor manager windows 10 download free Plan. Your Backup Plan has been Edited. The Seagate Manager will open. Click Delete Backup.
The Delete Backup Plan window opens. Check the Backup Plan you wish to remove and click on the Delete button. The Backup Plan is deleted. Note : Though the Backup Plan is deleted, the backed maxtor manager windows 10 download free data still remains on your drive.
Click on the Back button to return to the Backup window. Click Restore Files. The Restore a Backup window opens. Click Restore historical version of a backed up file. /32817.txt Restore window opens. In the Select a file window, expand the folders to locate the file you wish to restore. Select a File. In the Select a version window, select a File Version you wish to restore. Click on the Original radion button.
Note : It should be selected by default. Click Restore. The Confirm File Replace window may open. To replace the existing version, click on the YES button.
The Restoring File window opens. Click on the Open restore folder arrow to view the restored file. An Explorer window opens showing the folder containing the restored file. Close this Explorer window to return to the Restore window. Click OK. Click on the Temporary radion button. An Explorer window opens showing the entire folder structure containing the restored file. Browse this folder structure to locate your restored file. Click Restore most recent version of a backed up file.
The Seagate Backup folder window opens for your drive. Browse to the location of the backed up files. Note: Refer to your Windows documentation for file selection, copy and paste methods.
Files are copied to your system. To resume Automatic Backups, click ON. At this point Backups can be scheduled to run maxtor manager windows 10 download free. Click View Backup Log. A Notepad file opens showing the contents of the Backup Log. Where to Buy Product Finder.