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A better way to get rounded-corner rectangles in Adobe Illustrator – The Graphic Mac.

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In the new Adobe Illustrator CC, you can use 2 easy methods to change the corner radius of a rounded corner rectangle that has already been drawn: 1. By moving the round handles. Simply hold and drag the round blue handles in each corner. 2. By going in the Shape Options (more precise). Mar 02,  · To have to Google how to do such a simple task as changing the corner radius of a rectangle in Illustrator is insane and a true testament to the fact that it’s % unintuitive the way it is now. BTW, I found out how to do it through this thread, so thank you to those who explain the process. Oct 15,  · In the Corners dialog you can set the corner style, the radius of the corner, and the type of rounding. To access the corner settings: Double-click the Live Corners widget. Select the corner and click the Corners link in the Control Panel or the Properties panel. You can also specify a corner radius in the Corners drop-down list.


How to round the corners of an image

Mar 02,  · To have to Google how to do such a simple task as changing the corner radius of a rectangle in Illustrator is insane and a true testament to the fact that it’s % unintuitive the way it is now. BTW, I found out how to do it through this thread, so thank you to those who explain the process. Mar 21,  · round the corner of the 1 fill. the 2 – apply transform effect using the scale or move options so you mask out the rounded corners (making visible just the ones you want) and depends of the corner you want you use fils and move them over the . Apr 24,  · So there have been times when I need to round only one or two corners of a rectangle in Adobe Illustrator CS5. There is a little script that Hiroyuki Sato wrote that works amazing for this! Follow the instructions below to see how to install the script and use it within Adobe Illustrator ted Reading Time: 4 mins.